I visited the
Military Vehicle Technology Foundation on Saturday. When I arrived, I was astounded by what I saw. The restoration shop is being moved to other buildings on the property!! Due to difficulties and disagreements with Mr. Littlefield's widow, the MVTF found it necessary to relocate the vehicles and equipment that were in the restoration shop. While this is a very costly endeavor at a time when finances are difficult, the MVTF feels that it will only benefit from this move in the long run as it will be able to control its own destiny in the future and continue its work of preserving Jacques' legacy.
Tours are not affected by the shop's move. Actually, at least for the next few weeks, visitors will be able to see some vehicles that are normally not seen as they had previously been in the shop. Some of them are pictured below:

The Abbot 105mm SP Gun in the trees is one of my favorite shots in the group.

As I mentioned earlier, the move is very expensive. The MVTF would really appreciate any donations to help offset the cost of this move. If you would like to help, please visit their website,
MVTF and make a tax deductible donation to them. I'll post additional photos of the vehicles and others on my website
Toadman's Tank Pictures later this week.